In the history of dentistry, dental implants may come in just behind anaesthesia as the greatest technological advancement. When lost teeth could once only be replaced by invasive or less-functional treatments such as bridges or dentures, implants finally gave us a...
Dr Anthony Kong (dentist)
A Plus Dental Tips for The Perfect Valentine’s Day Smile
It's that time of year again; Cupid is getting his bow and arrow ready for Valentine’s Day, a traditional day of love. Valentine’s Day comes with two things; First, romance, and second, plenty of sugar in everything you eat or drink! For romance, you need a great...
How to Find a Great Dentist in the Campbelltown Area
Dental health can be a critical aspect of your overall health. In fact, poor oral health is directly related to poor overall health. Therefore, it is critical that you visit a dentist regularly, and not just to keep your teeth and gums in great condition. If you’re...
Season’s Greetings from A Plus Dental
May this holiday season end on a cheerful note and make way for a new and brighter year. Our team at A Plus Dental wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! For Christmas holiday hours please visit our contact us page.
National Children’s Week at A Plus Dental
Children's Week is celebrated yearly in Australia during the fourth week in October (from 22-31). As a contribution to Children's Week, your Campbelltown dentist is sharing the fact that the learning process in children is quicker in the early years than any other...
Root Canal Treatments – What You Can Expect
Are you in need of a root canal? Although getting a root canal may be frightening for some patients, we're happy to report that treatment techniques have improved to the point where patients no longer need to worry. An infected tooth may be successfully treated and...
Top 6 Proven Ways for Preventing Oral Cancer
Compared to some of the more well-known diseases, such as Hodgkin's lymphoma and cervical cancer, oral cancer has a greater fatality rate. This is because oral cancer is frequently detected only after it has spread. Yet another justification for making that...
Dental Health Week 2022: Love Your Teeth | A Plus Dental
The Australian Dental Association (ADA) first whole week of August, 1–7 major annual oral health awareness event is known as Dental Health Week. The hashtag for this year is #loveyourteeth. The week seeks to inform Australians about the value of loving and maintaining...
How Your Dentist Can Aid in Improving Your Sleep
Do you have trouble getting a good night's sleep? Tossing and turning can be caused by various factors, ranging from daily stress to medical difficulties. When people are desperate for more rest, they frequently consult their doctor. But did you know that your dentist...