Diseases of the Jaw
Good oral health entails comfort and satisfaction about your teeth, gums, and your jaws. A persistent pain in the jaw coupled with a headache, may mean more than you think. You might be suffering from a disease of the jaw.
If you or your loved ones experience symptoms like these, tell your Campbelltown dentist at A Plus Dental right away. Anything that compromises your oral health and comfort is our concern at A Plus Dental.
Common Diseases Of The Jaw
Your jawbone contributes to your oral health. Hence it is important to be aware of the different diseases of the jaw. We have listed the most common ailments our patients experience. Take a look at the symptoms:
TMJ disorders – Connecting your jawbone to your skull is the temporomandibular (tem-puh-roe-mun-DIB-u-lur) joint, or the TMJ. It acts as the sliding hinge between the two bones. A TMJ disorder is a combination of different defects in this region, including bruxism, popping and clicking of the jawbone, earache, and arthritis.
Bruxism– This is a condition that affects all age groups. The excessive grinding usually happens at night, during sleep. The lower and upper teeth meet and clash causing chipped, fractured, flattened, or loose teeth. A pain in the jaw is often felt upon waking. The pain travels to the neck, ear, face, and eventually leads to a headache.
Jaw infection – An infection of the jaw may be caused by gum disease or a dental abscess. Symptoms include difficulty opening or closing your mouth, bitter taste on the tongue, and bad breath.
Osteonecrosis – This usually happens to cancer patients taking antiresorptive medications. The jawbone doesn’t receive enough blood, causing it to starve and die. Osteo means bone and necrosis means death.
Trauma – Whether because of sports, or simple or serious accidents, your jaw can suffer trauma. This can be very painful depending on the severity of the trauma.
Treatment at A Plus Dental
Treatment of jaw diseases varies according to their condition and severity. For mild cases of bruxism, for example, treatment may include jaw exercises and wearing night splints. To avoid sports-related damage, mouthguards and other protective equipment might be used.
It is important to tell your dentist about your pain immediately. An unhealthy jawbone can affect not only your oral health but also your overall wellbeing.
Diseases of the Jaw in Campbelltown
If you think you have one of the abovementioned diseases of the jaw, see your dentist right away. An injury to your jawbone can affect everything you do.
Stop enduring the pain. Begin your treatment today at A Plus Dental.
Diseases of the Jaw in Campbelltown
Call (02) 4627 3833 or visit us at Suite 3/300 Queen Street in Campbelltown.